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Measurement and Instrumentation through Electrostatic Sensing



主讲人 闫勇

时 间:2019110(周四)上午10:00-11:30

地 点:11号楼1115会议室

主 办:仪器与电子学院 山西省自动化检测装备与系统工程技术中心


闫勇于1980-1989年就读于清华大学自动化系并留校任教。现为英国肯特大学工程学院教授、创新主管。曾任天津大学教授, 是检测技术与自动化装置领域中的专家。2011年当选为IEEE Fellow。同年入选中组部国际人才计划,兼职于华北电力大学,担任“多相流与燃烧过程检测技术研究中心”主任。已发表论文430多篇, h-index 42, 论文被引用5600多次。


This presentation will review the recent advances in electrostatic sensors and instrumentation for industrial measurement and monitoring applications. The fundamental sensing principle and characteristics of electrostatic sensors and instrumentation systems will be presented. Case studies that are covered in this presentation include pulverised fuel flow metering, linear and rotational speed measurement, monitoring of power transmission belts, and burner flame monitoring. Results from recent experimental and modelling studies as well as industrial trials will be reported. Research in other areas such as multiphase flow metering, burner flame imaging and on-line particle sizing will also be introduced.